Wednesday, January 21, 2015

When Runners Lose weight

     As a runner, it can be easy to want to lose some unwanted weight. Face it, the less weight you have to carry on runs will translate into a much happier run. The less weight you have to carry, the better.
      If you're like me, you probably thought that running on an empty stomach was the way to go. I was thinking that because there's no food that can be taken in as fat, when I'm running, any fat I had would be targeted, therefore I'm burning off all that fat simply running. It's a win-win. Not. What's really happening is your muscles are looking for the carbs stored in your very mucles as glycogen. Eventually, those stored carbs will run out. And you'll start burning fat once those carbs that were stored in your muscles run out. But once that fat starts burning, you're going to lose energy really quickly. You'd think this would be good that you're burning fat, but by losing that energy you won't be able to help but slow down, therefore burning fewer calories than you would have if you had eaten a proper meal/snack before you began running.
     Along with not eating before running, not eating after a run is just as bad for weight loss. I get that you're probably not hungry after you run. If you're like me, you feel like you're going to do nothing but throw up, and food is the last thing you want. But referring to my previous paragraph, the glycogen in your muscles has been all used up. So thinking (not literally) your muscles are hungry. When you finally settle down and are no longer in your running zone, you're going to realize you're super hungry. This is how you can tell you're a runner! And this is by far my biggest problem, because I absolutely pig out. This will most definantly not get you the results you want. It's hard, becaus you're probably feeling like you're going to starve. But you will not lose any weight this way.
     Here's the tricky thing with running and weight loss. The more weight you have to lose, the quicker you'll lose it. That's a scientific fact. And it's wonderful at first. But as you lose more and more weight, it'll be trickier and trickier to lose weight. Your body will adjust to your new weight loss tactic and as you begin to slim down it'll be harder than it was before when you were trying to lose weight. (420)

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