Wednesday, October 8, 2014


     There's two types of athletes: the kind that have a water bottle filled with (you guessed it) water, and the kind that have a water bottle or just a bottle of Gatorade. The question is, which one are you? And should you be that one?
     The carbohydrate and electrolyte benefits of Gatorade are simply spectacular for the athlete involved in any activity requiring such things. And water, which has been around much (MUCH) longer than Gatorade, has gotten athletes by for hundreds of years. Sure, technology has improved, and along with it the medical science behind all types of athletics and workouts, but do you really need Gatorade?
    Honestly, it depends on the workout. If your workout is short and quick (but not nessecarily easy!) water can and will do the trick for your body. Chances are you're hot, sweaty, and not feeling the best. Water alone can do wonders! Also, water leaves your stomach (especially cold water) faster than Gatorade can, which is important to know when you're moving all about. Nothing is worse than being able to feel all the liquids in your stomach moving around. Also, water helps to regulate your body temperature. If you're sweating then your body is losing water, which means you're becoming dehydrated! Luckily, water is there to do the job and keep you nice and hydrated! If you're thirsty, reach for a bottle of water, not Gatorade.
     However, you need to replenish those electrolytes of yours, especially during a longer workout. Ini this case, I would recommend Gatorade, or if possible, both Gatorade and water! It is best to drink Gatorade about an hour after your workout if it has lasted an hour or more.
     Over all, water should be the number drink you chose when participating in a vigorous activity to avoid dehydration, over heating, or any other side effects of working out. Gatorade can help out your body during or after a workout too, but too much of it is not a good thing.
      In nearly all cases, I recommend drinking water. I have found that it is the quickest way to recover. I find the only difference Gatorade does for my own body is relieve headaches, whether I'm working out or not. You know your body better than anyone else, so whatever works best for you is the drink you should use.

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