In my previous post I wrote about polite running manners and actions to consider and in this post I am continuing my thoughts after taking a break to collect my ideas.
It is perfectly acceptable to wear whatever you please while running or working out, considering it's legal and you won't get arrested for public nudity. It goes without saying that on hot days the less you will wear and on colder days you will bundle up in flexible layers to keep from freezing in your own sweat. I've noticed many guys running either wear a cutoff, simple t-shirt, or no shirt at all. But is it appropriate? You've probably heard the saying "if you've got it, flaunt it." Being a runner it does not bug me to see men running without a shirt or women running in just a sports bra (once you start running this way, nothing will ever feel as comfortable, trust me!) however I have noticed some people find runners running without a shirt very offensive.
I believe that some can perceive the runner as showing off or as trying to stop from overheating and allowing maximum space for the arm to swing back and forth, allowing for a faster run. I have gotten scowls and dirty looks from mainly elderly people walking on the path I'm running on or passing on the sidewalk. You can't help what everyone thinks of you, and some will be less open minded about it than others, but consider your surroundings when deciding what to wear on your run. If it's not hot out, chances are you can keep your clothes on and will be seen as showing off if you do not do so, which seems perfectly fair to me.
The next topic that has crossed my thoughts is spitting. You may or may not have seen other runners spit to the side of the path or sidewalk as they run. It depends on your grossness threshold, but some may gag at the site. While running sometimes you can't help (especially during races or super fast runs) getting built up mucus and saliva in your mouth. It's reasonable to want to spit that out and if you feel the need by all means go for it. However, being a runner, I do know that you can also keep it in, and don't 100% absolutely need to spit out your ball of mucus. It's disgusting, and the world doesn't necessarily want to see it.
Friday, October 31, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Running Etiquette
I'm not a naturally competitive person when it comes to most things, running being one of those. The sport focuses mainly on yourself and what you have the ability to do. Sure, when racing you are competing with individuals around you to get the best time overall, but you are mainly fighting yourself in the whole process. It's totally okay to be friendly to your competitors, let's face it- they're suffering the same course you are.
First off, when passing someone or running alongside them, it doesn't hurt to breathe out a "good job" or "keep it up" to help motivate the poor guy. It's not easy to race and it doesn't help your confidence to get passed. Yes, I understand that if you're racing hard enough you may not have the breath to even mouth good job, often because you may be foaming at the mouth. But once you cross that finish line, acknowledge the runner next to you. It may soften the blow of getting a worse time than you expected or feeling really awful.
Second, if you're going to listen to music (while just on a run or during a race-permitting it's allowed) do not sing out loud the lyrics to the song. It implies that you believe this run is easy, which it may be, but often someone near you is struggling and they will perceive it as teasing and take personal offense. Singing aloud the lyrics to a song is also like disturbing the peace of the sound of footsteps and heavy breathing, which some runners look forward to in order to pace themselves and lessen their stress. The song does not sound the same to your ears as it does to theirs, especially if they can't hear it. Finally, the song may be messing up someones pace, as some runners (such as myself) rely on certain music to set their footstep's pace, and are trying to run without music to influence their pace.
If you're going to throw up, please throw up on the side of the course or trail. Nothing's worse than stepping in somebody else's vomit and getting your shoes dirty with the juices from somebody else's stomach. Yes, if it's a cross country race it's understandable that you may throw up, but don't do it in the middle of the course where other runners are. Run off to the side as you throw up to minimize the damage you may put on other runners. Everyone has different thresholds of grossness, and some may not take a liking to you.
When crossing a street and a car is waiting for you, acknowledge their patience by giving them the simple wave or smile. It's possible that you were tired and could of used the break waiting for the car to catch your breath, but it's better to not stop during a run, so thank the driver patiently waiting behind the while for pushing your fitness level one step further, even though it may not feel like it. Being both a driver and a runner, it's tempting to honk at a runner who doesn't thank you for waiting, especially when you missed an opportunity to take a left into a streaming line of traffic going both ways.
If you're running on a bike trail or in a bike lane, don't think that you own the lane. Chances are where you're running, while it may be ideal, was not designed for you to run on. Appreciate the bikers going around you and not running you over by saying "excuse me" or "thank you" if possible. Imagine running around a tree in the middle of the path, it's not too much work, but a little frustrating and annoying. I would imagine bikers feel the same about runners on their bike trails and courses.
Look for more to see my continued version of running etiquette and how to be a more pleasurable runner to run beside and encourage. (661)
First off, when passing someone or running alongside them, it doesn't hurt to breathe out a "good job" or "keep it up" to help motivate the poor guy. It's not easy to race and it doesn't help your confidence to get passed. Yes, I understand that if you're racing hard enough you may not have the breath to even mouth good job, often because you may be foaming at the mouth. But once you cross that finish line, acknowledge the runner next to you. It may soften the blow of getting a worse time than you expected or feeling really awful.
Second, if you're going to listen to music (while just on a run or during a race-permitting it's allowed) do not sing out loud the lyrics to the song. It implies that you believe this run is easy, which it may be, but often someone near you is struggling and they will perceive it as teasing and take personal offense. Singing aloud the lyrics to a song is also like disturbing the peace of the sound of footsteps and heavy breathing, which some runners look forward to in order to pace themselves and lessen their stress. The song does not sound the same to your ears as it does to theirs, especially if they can't hear it. Finally, the song may be messing up someones pace, as some runners (such as myself) rely on certain music to set their footstep's pace, and are trying to run without music to influence their pace.
If you're going to throw up, please throw up on the side of the course or trail. Nothing's worse than stepping in somebody else's vomit and getting your shoes dirty with the juices from somebody else's stomach. Yes, if it's a cross country race it's understandable that you may throw up, but don't do it in the middle of the course where other runners are. Run off to the side as you throw up to minimize the damage you may put on other runners. Everyone has different thresholds of grossness, and some may not take a liking to you.
When crossing a street and a car is waiting for you, acknowledge their patience by giving them the simple wave or smile. It's possible that you were tired and could of used the break waiting for the car to catch your breath, but it's better to not stop during a run, so thank the driver patiently waiting behind the while for pushing your fitness level one step further, even though it may not feel like it. Being both a driver and a runner, it's tempting to honk at a runner who doesn't thank you for waiting, especially when you missed an opportunity to take a left into a streaming line of traffic going both ways.
If you're running on a bike trail or in a bike lane, don't think that you own the lane. Chances are where you're running, while it may be ideal, was not designed for you to run on. Appreciate the bikers going around you and not running you over by saying "excuse me" or "thank you" if possible. Imagine running around a tree in the middle of the path, it's not too much work, but a little frustrating and annoying. I would imagine bikers feel the same about runners on their bike trails and courses.
Look for more to see my continued version of running etiquette and how to be a more pleasurable runner to run beside and encourage. (661)
Monday, October 27, 2014
Mizuno Wave Paradox Review
My current running shoes are the women's Mizuno Wave Paradox's. I bought them from a running store called Running Wild, which specializes in basically all things running. Besides my first pair of running shoes, which were Nike (I soon realized that they were in no way the correct running shoes), I have purchased all my running shoes and most my equipment from this store due to expert running knowledge and personal experience.
My physical therapist recommended I purchase these exact shoes, which happened to be fairly new to the Mizuno brand at the time of the purchase. My ankles pronate tremendously, and these shoes are supposedly designed to counteract such extreme pronation.
Going into Running Wild, I was told by employees that this shoe does help with arch support and help to eliminate ankle pronation, which has resulted in awful shin splints and stress fractures. So, after trying the shoes on and seeing for myself just what wonders they could do I purchased the shoes and went on my way home.
I go by the rule that about every three hundred to five hundred miles of running it is time to replace your running shoes in order to avoid injury. Personally, I don't keep track of my mileage. I can tell when my shoes are getting worn and I begin to look for new shoes when my team mates start replacing their running shoes, since we all run the same mileage.
I do believe that Mizuno's Wave Paradox running shoes do help with stopping my ankle pronation, however they did not stop me from getting my shin splints. I've never owned a running shoe that has completely stopped me from having shin problems. It depends on how bad your problems are on whether a simple shoe can fix the problem, so my shin splints have not hindered my overall opinion on this shoe.
Trying the Wave Paradox shoes on at first I noticed they were a little heavy compared to my older running shoes, and it made just walking a little bit stranger feeling. However running I do not notice the weight of the shoe and I am comfortable in them.
The overall design of the shoe is not like your average running shoe design. I've never seen shoes that look quite like them. I've received many compliments on the design and colors of the shoe. The color palette is white, light blue, orange, and black, which makes me think of the modern version of athletic clothing and workout equipment.
Personally, I would recommend these shoes to anyone suffering from minor shin problems or major, but they are most likely not going to fix your problem, only lessen the blow of the pain and damage. I would purchase these shoes again and I plan to do so. (467)

Trying the Wave Paradox shoes on at first I noticed they were a little heavy compared to my older running shoes, and it made just walking a little bit stranger feeling. However running I do not notice the weight of the shoe and I am comfortable in them.
The overall design of the shoe is not like your average running shoe design. I've never seen shoes that look quite like them. I've received many compliments on the design and colors of the shoe. The color palette is white, light blue, orange, and black, which makes me think of the modern version of athletic clothing and workout equipment.
Personally, I would recommend these shoes to anyone suffering from minor shin problems or major, but they are most likely not going to fix your problem, only lessen the blow of the pain and damage. I would purchase these shoes again and I plan to do so. (467)

Wednesday, October 22, 2014
That One Race
A cross country race is like a death march expect you're running and competing with the people you're marching with. Half of a race itself is mental game. The best feeling in the world is when you cross that finish line knowing you left it all on the course, that you couldn't have done any better. You can often tell who those people are because they're throwing up or passed out right back the finish line. Let's face it, running is partially a competition between you and yourself.
It feels as though there a few worse feelings than that of having a bad race. Putting so much work into something to not get what you want out of it is devastating. I've seen both, and experienced. I've had teammates crying at how awful they did or crying at how wonderful. I've picked up some ways of coping with killing your own self during a race and getting absolutely nothing out of it.
First off, it's totally okay to let yourself be sad or mad. In fact, I encourage it. Beat yourself up. Then, dissect what went wrong. Was what happened in your control? Was the weather okay? Did you trip? These are things that you couldn't have changed, so stop beating yourself up and analyze what you need to do to be better prepared for the next race. If it was a hot day and you don't run well in heat, train yourself to!
If you were in control of your race and decided to slack off on those hills or slow down on those turns, by all means beat yourself up! Run hills a few days after and don't ever let yourself ever slack off again!
It feels as though there a few worse feelings than that of having a bad race. Putting so much work into something to not get what you want out of it is devastating. I've seen both, and experienced. I've had teammates crying at how awful they did or crying at how wonderful. I've picked up some ways of coping with killing your own self during a race and getting absolutely nothing out of it.
First off, it's totally okay to let yourself be sad or mad. In fact, I encourage it. Beat yourself up. Then, dissect what went wrong. Was what happened in your control? Was the weather okay? Did you trip? These are things that you couldn't have changed, so stop beating yourself up and analyze what you need to do to be better prepared for the next race. If it was a hot day and you don't run well in heat, train yourself to!
If you were in control of your race and decided to slack off on those hills or slow down on those turns, by all means beat yourself up! Run hills a few days after and don't ever let yourself ever slack off again!
Tuesday, October 21, 2014
Last year my cross country tream/track team plunged into the new experience that our coach had set up and recommended at a gym not far from our school: cross fit. It's true, I hadn't heard much about it and didn't know what I was in for. I had only heard of lifting, seen it on ads and in pictures, and knew there was a class at my school that offered lifting as gym credit. I had heard that the lifting class was a little bit difficult, and since I didn't know how to lift, I avoided it at all costs, sticking to regular gym class and having fun playing volleyball with my friends. Little did I know what I was in for.
Cross fit is becoming more and more popular throughout today's society. An extreme form of workouts and lifting, it requires you to work out three to five days a week on average, depending on the class you sign up to take. Taking it from an actual cross fit gym, the workouts were precise and targeted every body part it was supposed to accurately.
I remember that my class full of other teenage runners was designed to improve the performance, speed, and strength of the runner, also to prevent injuries, which were building up quite quickly amongst our team. We focused on the strengthening the core and our legs, as well as our endurance. Our instructor, Nick, was merciless and made sure that girls knew they could and would do anything that guys had to do.
The controversy on whether cross fit is safe and worth all the money and time you put into it still gets to me. I joined cross fit hoping to get stronger and lessen my chances of getting injured. My coach encouraged this class to our team for those exact reasons as well, seeing as he was and still is very active in cross fit classes.
Physically I left the last day of cross fit class very strong and very happy with the results, despite the amount of sweat, blisters, calluses, and blood (yes, blood) I ended up putting into the daily workouts. I also left with tendonitis in my knees. I have difficulty believing that cross fit did that to me, because no other girl left with that same issue. We weren't directly given a weight to use when lifting (especially with all the squats we did) and when I told my instructor about the tendonitis he personally altered my workouts for me just to help me out. I believe it was my own fault that I got tendonitis, since I was trying to max out on nearly every set of every day just to get as strong as possible, which is not the smartest thing to do.
I've heard of the damages and seen the damages cross fit can have on an individual, but I have also seen the amazing results that come with it. I would personally recommend such a difficult class to anyone who is the type of person who stands up when they get knocked down. Yes, this class it is difficult. It is much harder than a regular workout or lifting class, but I left cross fit with an excellent mental attitude. The message that girls can do anything was drilled into our brains, and I think that's something really valuable to have as a teenage girl.
I would (if I could) do cross fit again, however I have parents that find it too dangerous and expensive, therefore I am sitting jealous of all those who can. Let's face it, if you can do cross fit without giving up, you can do nearly anything.
Cross fit is becoming more and more popular throughout today's society. An extreme form of workouts and lifting, it requires you to work out three to five days a week on average, depending on the class you sign up to take. Taking it from an actual cross fit gym, the workouts were precise and targeted every body part it was supposed to accurately.
I remember that my class full of other teenage runners was designed to improve the performance, speed, and strength of the runner, also to prevent injuries, which were building up quite quickly amongst our team. We focused on the strengthening the core and our legs, as well as our endurance. Our instructor, Nick, was merciless and made sure that girls knew they could and would do anything that guys had to do.
The controversy on whether cross fit is safe and worth all the money and time you put into it still gets to me. I joined cross fit hoping to get stronger and lessen my chances of getting injured. My coach encouraged this class to our team for those exact reasons as well, seeing as he was and still is very active in cross fit classes.
Physically I left the last day of cross fit class very strong and very happy with the results, despite the amount of sweat, blisters, calluses, and blood (yes, blood) I ended up putting into the daily workouts. I also left with tendonitis in my knees. I have difficulty believing that cross fit did that to me, because no other girl left with that same issue. We weren't directly given a weight to use when lifting (especially with all the squats we did) and when I told my instructor about the tendonitis he personally altered my workouts for me just to help me out. I believe it was my own fault that I got tendonitis, since I was trying to max out on nearly every set of every day just to get as strong as possible, which is not the smartest thing to do.
I've heard of the damages and seen the damages cross fit can have on an individual, but I have also seen the amazing results that come with it. I would personally recommend such a difficult class to anyone who is the type of person who stands up when they get knocked down. Yes, this class it is difficult. It is much harder than a regular workout or lifting class, but I left cross fit with an excellent mental attitude. The message that girls can do anything was drilled into our brains, and I think that's something really valuable to have as a teenage girl.
I would (if I could) do cross fit again, however I have parents that find it too dangerous and expensive, therefore I am sitting jealous of all those who can. Let's face it, if you can do cross fit without giving up, you can do nearly anything.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Stress and Running
Personally, I picked up the sport of running to relieve
stress and anger. I don't display emotions the way most teenage girls might,
and I needed an outlet. When I get/got angry, I figured who better to beat up
than myself? Why not kick my own butt? So I put on some shoes and began running
loops around my neighborhood, sprinting up giant hills until I couldn't
breathe. And when I came back home a few miles later, I was absolutely
wonderful with no worries in the world.
As life
continuously beats down upon a human being, we find ways to cope with the
amount of stress thrust upon us. I believe that I am lucky that I have found
exercise as my outlet to dealing with problems, and anyone can.
Studies have
shown that running can help relieve stress, worries, and anger. The actual
sport itself is half mental, which kind of distracts you from things as well as
gives you a peaceful sanctuary within your mind to sort things out and figure
out how to cope with something.
According to Jim
Affremow, writer of The Champions Mind, running with too much stress can
actually hinder your performance and increase your risk of injury.
"Running is a favorite stress buster, but it's your stress level that can
put you at risk if not manage properly," He says.
Humans have a
stress hormone called cortisol. While this chemical can do the runner some
excellent assistance, too much of it can become a bad thing (like too much of
any good thing can do), and that's when you need to consider your consequences,
whether you want to run or not.
Too much of
cortisol can cause your bone density harm and you'll tense up a bit. If this
happens, you'll be running stiff (we all have) and you could strain a muscle or
joint, which is not exactly needed when you're already stressed. And if you're
already stressed, you may not noticed the effects running improperly can be
having on your body. You may not even notice that an injury is there and could
only make it worse.
There's always
the option of cross training, such as a bike or elliptical, but let's face it:
nothing beats a nice run when you have built up emotion. Sitting on a bike
pedaling is in no way the same to feeling the ground beneath your feet with
every step.
Friday, October 17, 2014
Adios, Summer
I feel like there's no ideal running weather for myself, I'm always struggling with whatever weather mother nature decides to throw at me. Now that fall is here and running in the summer heat is no longer an issue, I feel it is best to reflect on all the good summer running has done as we say farewell.
Yes, when the temperature is above fifty five degrees, even ten degree increase in heat can hinder your running performance and speed by three percent. Luckily, if you stick with it, you should be experiencing a boost at about this time thanks to all that running in the summer.
If you talk to almost any runner, they will admit that running in daylight is more pleasurable. Summer offters extended daylight hours! Running at night or early in the mornings feels much more safe. I'll admit, a nice five mile run at five am is nice when you're under the stars, but if you're by yourself, you can feel like you're about to be attacked at any minute. Thanks to summer, light is provided and you feel more confident.
And what about no ice? Often in the summer we forget about how easy it is to go on a simple run without worrying about slipping and damaging yourself! It depends on where you live, but if you live somewhere with all four seasons, it is promised you will slip and fall on ice at least once every winter. It is painful, embarassing, and annoying, whether you're running or not.
If you're like me and your city almost always has at least a foot of snow on the ground, you know what it's like to run with high knees through the snow with nothing but just your running shoes and socks. Half the time you'll have to stop just to walk accross a patch of ice alone. Thank God for summer giving us those much needed breaks from winter.
To avoid those annoying ice and snow patches while running, we often resort to running inside, usually on the treadmill. Thanks to summer, we are able to ditch thoes treadmills (which, if you have read my previous posts, you may have gathered I'm not a fan of) and get out to enjoy the outdoors and fresh air. It may be annoying to run in extreme heat, feel like your legs are made of lead, and in limited daylight, but summer comes with many perks, and I will miss it as a runner.
Yes, when the temperature is above fifty five degrees, even ten degree increase in heat can hinder your running performance and speed by three percent. Luckily, if you stick with it, you should be experiencing a boost at about this time thanks to all that running in the summer.
If you talk to almost any runner, they will admit that running in daylight is more pleasurable. Summer offters extended daylight hours! Running at night or early in the mornings feels much more safe. I'll admit, a nice five mile run at five am is nice when you're under the stars, but if you're by yourself, you can feel like you're about to be attacked at any minute. Thanks to summer, light is provided and you feel more confident.
And what about no ice? Often in the summer we forget about how easy it is to go on a simple run without worrying about slipping and damaging yourself! It depends on where you live, but if you live somewhere with all four seasons, it is promised you will slip and fall on ice at least once every winter. It is painful, embarassing, and annoying, whether you're running or not.
If you're like me and your city almost always has at least a foot of snow on the ground, you know what it's like to run with high knees through the snow with nothing but just your running shoes and socks. Half the time you'll have to stop just to walk accross a patch of ice alone. Thank God for summer giving us those much needed breaks from winter.
To avoid those annoying ice and snow patches while running, we often resort to running inside, usually on the treadmill. Thanks to summer, we are able to ditch thoes treadmills (which, if you have read my previous posts, you may have gathered I'm not a fan of) and get out to enjoy the outdoors and fresh air. It may be annoying to run in extreme heat, feel like your legs are made of lead, and in limited daylight, but summer comes with many perks, and I will miss it as a runner.
Thursday, October 16, 2014
Music: Do or Dont?
Music during a run can either help or hinder your workout. What you listen to is determined by your age, pace, and music style preference.
If you were to ask my cross country coach, he would tell you that he is one hundred percent against running and music combinations. During optional practice before the season starts in the summer, the girls are allowed to bring their ipods or phones to listen to music while on a long run. However, he gradually encourages our team to find our ways off the music on runs, and by the first day of practice, all music is not allowed while running.
I've been on the border for some time as to whether running with music is okay or not. I'll admit, I do have a running playlist on my phone just so that I don't have to listen to music that isn't exactly upbeat or sad and slow. It's a fifty fifty chance you will see me on a run (outside of practice) with my earbuds in.
When running while listening to music, I've found that I rely on it. I'm sure it's not this way for every runner, but if the beat of the song is slower, my pace will unconciously become slower. The same goes for faster music, and if the beat of the song is faster my pace will increase with the music. This is the con of running with music for myself.
The pro of running with music is that I can turn the music up so loud that I can't hear myself breathe. This works especially well for me if I'm running fast paced. Yes, it can be dangerous if you're out in public and are running along with traffic, cars, other runners, or bikers. If you just pay attention to your surroundings you should be just fine.
So what about music before a race? This deal is also a make or break situation for me. Music can either wind me up and get me ready to race, or make me very nervous.
If I am in the mood for music, which is often when I'm looking to kick some booty at the race, I prefer a lot of Eminem songs, which is strange for me because I only listen to country when I'm not doing anything athletic. If you're looking to find a good song before a race, I recommend Til I Collapse by Eminem. This song gets me every time, maybe because I'm injured all the time!
Sometimes I prefer to not listen to any music before a race, usually if I'm nervous. Sometimes sorting your own thoughts out can do enough for you before a race.
If you were to ask my cross country coach, he would tell you that he is one hundred percent against running and music combinations. During optional practice before the season starts in the summer, the girls are allowed to bring their ipods or phones to listen to music while on a long run. However, he gradually encourages our team to find our ways off the music on runs, and by the first day of practice, all music is not allowed while running.
I've been on the border for some time as to whether running with music is okay or not. I'll admit, I do have a running playlist on my phone just so that I don't have to listen to music that isn't exactly upbeat or sad and slow. It's a fifty fifty chance you will see me on a run (outside of practice) with my earbuds in.
When running while listening to music, I've found that I rely on it. I'm sure it's not this way for every runner, but if the beat of the song is slower, my pace will unconciously become slower. The same goes for faster music, and if the beat of the song is faster my pace will increase with the music. This is the con of running with music for myself.
The pro of running with music is that I can turn the music up so loud that I can't hear myself breathe. This works especially well for me if I'm running fast paced. Yes, it can be dangerous if you're out in public and are running along with traffic, cars, other runners, or bikers. If you just pay attention to your surroundings you should be just fine.
So what about music before a race? This deal is also a make or break situation for me. Music can either wind me up and get me ready to race, or make me very nervous.
If I am in the mood for music, which is often when I'm looking to kick some booty at the race, I prefer a lot of Eminem songs, which is strange for me because I only listen to country when I'm not doing anything athletic. If you're looking to find a good song before a race, I recommend Til I Collapse by Eminem. This song gets me every time, maybe because I'm injured all the time!
Sometimes I prefer to not listen to any music before a race, usually if I'm nervous. Sometimes sorting your own thoughts out can do enough for you before a race.
Tuesday, October 14, 2014
Side Cramps
Trying to run with a side cramp is the equivalent to running with a dagger sticking into your stomach. Okay, it's nothing like that at all. But running with a side cramp is in fact very painful and annoying. It hinders your running experience and time and often you have to stop to walk.
Often one of the reasons I've found that side cramps occur is because of the food you've been eating that day. I have noticed that in order to avoid these annoying cramps I need to not eat any heavy food that day. Eating within about two hours of a run can cause heavy damage for myself. It's different for everybody. One person's favorite pre-run snack or food is another person's worst enemy. You have to experiment to see what is good for you before a run. Sometimes, like myself, nothing is the best way to go. Running while hungry sometimes helps me. The facts are, foods high in fat and fiber will take longer to digest, which could be causing some of your side aches. This may be something to consider if you are looking to rid yourself of any more trouble.
I've found that running a warm up can help to rid your side of cramps as well. Before an actual work out, my cross country team runs a warm up of either one mile or two, and then comes back to the school to stretch. This helps the team as a whole by getting your legs and body warmed up. On days when I'm not running with my team, I tend to just walk a few minutes, a little less than half a mile. I believe this does the trick for myself as well, but sometimes I've noticed that not running a warm up or walking for a few minutes has no affect on me and that I can just run a few miles without getting any side cramp, but for four miles or four I often need to do some type of warm up.
I believe controlling your own breathing is very important to avoiding side cramps. I've found that when I match my breathing to my strides. I have no knowledge of the science behind what this does for your body or how breathing correlates with side cramps, but I do know that when I'm running fast I usually try to fit one or two strides in between each breath of air and that when I am running slow I try to fit three to four strides in. I've heard from some that you are supposed to only inhale when your left or right foot hits the ground, but I have not found this helps me at all.
I hope some of my remedies for side cramps can help you.
Often one of the reasons I've found that side cramps occur is because of the food you've been eating that day. I have noticed that in order to avoid these annoying cramps I need to not eat any heavy food that day. Eating within about two hours of a run can cause heavy damage for myself. It's different for everybody. One person's favorite pre-run snack or food is another person's worst enemy. You have to experiment to see what is good for you before a run. Sometimes, like myself, nothing is the best way to go. Running while hungry sometimes helps me. The facts are, foods high in fat and fiber will take longer to digest, which could be causing some of your side aches. This may be something to consider if you are looking to rid yourself of any more trouble.
I've found that running a warm up can help to rid your side of cramps as well. Before an actual work out, my cross country team runs a warm up of either one mile or two, and then comes back to the school to stretch. This helps the team as a whole by getting your legs and body warmed up. On days when I'm not running with my team, I tend to just walk a few minutes, a little less than half a mile. I believe this does the trick for myself as well, but sometimes I've noticed that not running a warm up or walking for a few minutes has no affect on me and that I can just run a few miles without getting any side cramp, but for four miles or four I often need to do some type of warm up.
I believe controlling your own breathing is very important to avoiding side cramps. I've found that when I match my breathing to my strides. I have no knowledge of the science behind what this does for your body or how breathing correlates with side cramps, but I do know that when I'm running fast I usually try to fit one or two strides in between each breath of air and that when I am running slow I try to fit three to four strides in. I've heard from some that you are supposed to only inhale when your left or right foot hits the ground, but I have not found this helps me at all.
I hope some of my remedies for side cramps can help you.
Wednesday, October 8, 2014
There's two types of athletes: the kind that have a water bottle filled with (you guessed it) water, and the kind that have a water bottle or just a bottle of Gatorade. The question is, which one are you? And should you be that one?
The carbohydrate and electrolyte benefits of Gatorade are simply spectacular for the athlete involved in any activity requiring such things. And water, which has been around much (MUCH) longer than Gatorade, has gotten athletes by for hundreds of years. Sure, technology has improved, and along with it the medical science behind all types of athletics and workouts, but do you really need Gatorade?
Honestly, it depends on the workout. If your workout is short and quick (but not nessecarily easy!) water can and will do the trick for your body. Chances are you're hot, sweaty, and not feeling the best. Water alone can do wonders! Also, water leaves your stomach (especially cold water) faster than Gatorade can, which is important to know when you're moving all about. Nothing is worse than being able to feel all the liquids in your stomach moving around. Also, water helps to regulate your body temperature. If you're sweating then your body is losing water, which means you're becoming dehydrated! Luckily, water is there to do the job and keep you nice and hydrated! If you're thirsty, reach for a bottle of water, not Gatorade.
However, you need to replenish those electrolytes of yours, especially during a longer workout. Ini this case, I would recommend Gatorade, or if possible, both Gatorade and water! It is best to drink Gatorade about an hour after your workout if it has lasted an hour or more.
Over all, water should be the number drink you chose when participating in a vigorous activity to avoid dehydration, over heating, or any other side effects of working out. Gatorade can help out your body during or after a workout too, but too much of it is not a good thing.
In nearly all cases, I recommend drinking water. I have found that it is the quickest way to recover. I find the only difference Gatorade does for my own body is relieve headaches, whether I'm working out or not. You know your body better than anyone else, so whatever works best for you is the drink you should use.
The carbohydrate and electrolyte benefits of Gatorade are simply spectacular for the athlete involved in any activity requiring such things. And water, which has been around much (MUCH) longer than Gatorade, has gotten athletes by for hundreds of years. Sure, technology has improved, and along with it the medical science behind all types of athletics and workouts, but do you really need Gatorade?
Honestly, it depends on the workout. If your workout is short and quick (but not nessecarily easy!) water can and will do the trick for your body. Chances are you're hot, sweaty, and not feeling the best. Water alone can do wonders! Also, water leaves your stomach (especially cold water) faster than Gatorade can, which is important to know when you're moving all about. Nothing is worse than being able to feel all the liquids in your stomach moving around. Also, water helps to regulate your body temperature. If you're sweating then your body is losing water, which means you're becoming dehydrated! Luckily, water is there to do the job and keep you nice and hydrated! If you're thirsty, reach for a bottle of water, not Gatorade.
However, you need to replenish those electrolytes of yours, especially during a longer workout. Ini this case, I would recommend Gatorade, or if possible, both Gatorade and water! It is best to drink Gatorade about an hour after your workout if it has lasted an hour or more.
Over all, water should be the number drink you chose when participating in a vigorous activity to avoid dehydration, over heating, or any other side effects of working out. Gatorade can help out your body during or after a workout too, but too much of it is not a good thing.
In nearly all cases, I recommend drinking water. I have found that it is the quickest way to recover. I find the only difference Gatorade does for my own body is relieve headaches, whether I'm working out or not. You know your body better than anyone else, so whatever works best for you is the drink you should use.
Tuesday, October 7, 2014
Have you ever looked outside on a super cold, windy, icy winter day? Or maybe you just don't feel like walking or running outside? Mentioning this to a friend, they may recommend the treadmill. It's safe, convenient (providing you either own one or have easy access to one), and often comes with a nice entertainment system somewhere near, also known as the television.
If you're a runner, it's highly likely you've tried running on a treadmill before, and given that, you probably have come to the same conclusion as I have. Running on the treadmill is not the same as running outside.
I've found that my shin splints worsen when I run on treadmills, which happens often in winter and early spring, before track season has started. The surface that you are running on is not the same as the outdoors. I'm not sure which is harder to run on, the treadmill itself or concrete. But I feel like the treadmill is, even though concrete doesn't exactly give way when you step on it.
Also, running on the treadmill is much more difficult for me than it is running outside. It's possible that the air quality of inside a building is not as great as actual fresh air. Chances the treadmill that you're using is in an enclosed space, such as a basement or gym, which makes me think of a dome trapping all the humid air in. I can't help but think I'm breathing the same air I was just a second ago, instead of fresh, new air you can get from outside.
Say you were to run six miles on the treadmill. I feel like this is more physically taxing than running outside. It's possible this is the case just because the treadmill forces you to keep your pace constant, otherwise you'll get shot into whatever is behind you! This could also be the case because the treadmill is often indoors, which may make it harder to breathe, therefore not providing your body and muscles with the correct amount of oxygen.
Also, time passes much slower. Sure you can watch something on the television, or even play on your phone if you're feeling up to it, but you cannot give a three dimensional experience while being on the same spot in the same room for an hour.
I highly recommend avoiding the treadmill. It has done more harm than good for myself, and nothing beats the classic outside run.
If you're a runner, it's highly likely you've tried running on a treadmill before, and given that, you probably have come to the same conclusion as I have. Running on the treadmill is not the same as running outside.
I've found that my shin splints worsen when I run on treadmills, which happens often in winter and early spring, before track season has started. The surface that you are running on is not the same as the outdoors. I'm not sure which is harder to run on, the treadmill itself or concrete. But I feel like the treadmill is, even though concrete doesn't exactly give way when you step on it.
Also, running on the treadmill is much more difficult for me than it is running outside. It's possible that the air quality of inside a building is not as great as actual fresh air. Chances the treadmill that you're using is in an enclosed space, such as a basement or gym, which makes me think of a dome trapping all the humid air in. I can't help but think I'm breathing the same air I was just a second ago, instead of fresh, new air you can get from outside.
Say you were to run six miles on the treadmill. I feel like this is more physically taxing than running outside. It's possible this is the case just because the treadmill forces you to keep your pace constant, otherwise you'll get shot into whatever is behind you! This could also be the case because the treadmill is often indoors, which may make it harder to breathe, therefore not providing your body and muscles with the correct amount of oxygen.
Also, time passes much slower. Sure you can watch something on the television, or even play on your phone if you're feeling up to it, but you cannot give a three dimensional experience while being on the same spot in the same room for an hour.
I highly recommend avoiding the treadmill. It has done more harm than good for myself, and nothing beats the classic outside run.
Monday, October 6, 2014
Try Out Running if You Have Asthma
Having Asthma as a runner adds difficulty to running, especially when all you're trying to do is get some air in! I've had asthma all of my life, not just sports induced, which is not the same as regular asthma. I find my asthma worsens during the seasons of fall and spring, and it becomes deadly when I have a cold!
Seeing as it is the fall time, all you other runners living with Asthma may have noticed this cool weather (depending on where you live) has sparked some of that difficulty breathing. It's frustrating, stressful, and terrifying. And if you have any luck like my own, often a simple puff of the inhaler doesn't always do the trick.
When I was little, I was told that running was not something that should cross my mind. Asthma was like a cage for me. I listened to the doctors, assuming they were right, like a doctor should be. However, with increased activity, requiring my lungs to work harder, I have noticed my Asthma (believe it or not) has gotten better thanks to running.
Before running, I had absolutely awful Asthma year round. I would sit on my bed hooked up to a a machine that exhausted medicine in the form of gas into my body, just to keep my body from killing its own self.
After I began running, my Asthma changed to more year round diseases but with seasonal high peaks. I believe running, despite most medical advice that I have been told, has improved my Asthma, and I encourage those who are struggling with the same disease I am to give it a try. However, you know your body better than any doctor or medical expert, so when you can tell your Asthma is getting worse during a run, slow down, or stop completely. Trust me, it's not worth it!
After trying to run with an Asthma attack that would not go away with just the simple use of my inhaler, I managed to pull a few muscles in my chest, and even though I am completely relaxed and resting at this very moment, it is painful to breathe! If your body is telling you to stop, stop! But if your body is telling you to go, then by all means- go!
When it comes down to it, what you do is completely up to you. But if you suffer from Asthma, give running a try. I'm really glad that I did.
Seeing as it is the fall time, all you other runners living with Asthma may have noticed this cool weather (depending on where you live) has sparked some of that difficulty breathing. It's frustrating, stressful, and terrifying. And if you have any luck like my own, often a simple puff of the inhaler doesn't always do the trick.
When I was little, I was told that running was not something that should cross my mind. Asthma was like a cage for me. I listened to the doctors, assuming they were right, like a doctor should be. However, with increased activity, requiring my lungs to work harder, I have noticed my Asthma (believe it or not) has gotten better thanks to running.
Before running, I had absolutely awful Asthma year round. I would sit on my bed hooked up to a a machine that exhausted medicine in the form of gas into my body, just to keep my body from killing its own self.
After I began running, my Asthma changed to more year round diseases but with seasonal high peaks. I believe running, despite most medical advice that I have been told, has improved my Asthma, and I encourage those who are struggling with the same disease I am to give it a try. However, you know your body better than any doctor or medical expert, so when you can tell your Asthma is getting worse during a run, slow down, or stop completely. Trust me, it's not worth it!
After trying to run with an Asthma attack that would not go away with just the simple use of my inhaler, I managed to pull a few muscles in my chest, and even though I am completely relaxed and resting at this very moment, it is painful to breathe! If your body is telling you to stop, stop! But if your body is telling you to go, then by all means- go!
When it comes down to it, what you do is completely up to you. But if you suffer from Asthma, give running a try. I'm really glad that I did.
Thursday, October 2, 2014
Women RUN the World
Ask any female runner, there's a resason they're doing it. Whether it's because they're losing weight, getting in shape, building muscle, releasing stress, or it's just a passion, there's a limit. Sadly, too much of running is not a good thing, causing increased moods and pain.
Women often develope hip problems when running. It makes sense, women have wider hips than men do. Bursitis is a common and painful injury, occuring in the bursa sacs that surround and protect your hip joint. Hip problems can cause all the other problems, espeically knee problems (trust me, I would know!).
Thanks to our hips, knee problems come shortly after hip problems do. Patellafemoral Syndrome is espeically common in women (yes, I've had it). This injury is caused by the kneecap rubbing up against the thighbone causing painful irritation and inflammation. Looking at any woman, you may notice that not one has a straight hip to ankle line. Often our knees will curve in (knock-knees) or curve out (bowlegs).
Moving on to shins (dare I talk about them?), shinsplints are exceptionally common among female runners. Overpronation (caused by women's looser ligaments in the ankles and knees) leads to the painful and misplaced weight onto different parts of the shins, causing shin splints. Believe me when I say, if you develope shin splints, shift to another form of workout (such as cross training) to avoid stress fractures, which are not in any way better. Look into buying better shoes with good arch support to stop pronation, but don't buy shoes that are too stiff, which can only make things worse.
Women's feet can also cause any of the problems in your legs, as hips can. Because women have smaller heels than men do, they tend to buy shoes that are too small for them to avoid their foot slipping and making a run uncomfortable. Shoes that have the correct amount of stability and support can (but not always) make all the difference. I look for shoes that are tight enough to keep my heel from slipping but are big enough around the toes to allow as much motion as possible. Often I go half a size up in running shoes instead of half a size down so that I can allow my feet to have maximum flexibility, permitting they're in a shoe.
You may think "that's it, that's the effects running has on women, and that's all I need to know". I hate to break the news, but you're wrong. Running determines more than your joints and legs. Look for my next post to see the continuation of the affects running has on the woman.
Women often develope hip problems when running. It makes sense, women have wider hips than men do. Bursitis is a common and painful injury, occuring in the bursa sacs that surround and protect your hip joint. Hip problems can cause all the other problems, espeically knee problems (trust me, I would know!).
Thanks to our hips, knee problems come shortly after hip problems do. Patellafemoral Syndrome is espeically common in women (yes, I've had it). This injury is caused by the kneecap rubbing up against the thighbone causing painful irritation and inflammation. Looking at any woman, you may notice that not one has a straight hip to ankle line. Often our knees will curve in (knock-knees) or curve out (bowlegs).
Moving on to shins (dare I talk about them?), shinsplints are exceptionally common among female runners. Overpronation (caused by women's looser ligaments in the ankles and knees) leads to the painful and misplaced weight onto different parts of the shins, causing shin splints. Believe me when I say, if you develope shin splints, shift to another form of workout (such as cross training) to avoid stress fractures, which are not in any way better. Look into buying better shoes with good arch support to stop pronation, but don't buy shoes that are too stiff, which can only make things worse.
Women's feet can also cause any of the problems in your legs, as hips can. Because women have smaller heels than men do, they tend to buy shoes that are too small for them to avoid their foot slipping and making a run uncomfortable. Shoes that have the correct amount of stability and support can (but not always) make all the difference. I look for shoes that are tight enough to keep my heel from slipping but are big enough around the toes to allow as much motion as possible. Often I go half a size up in running shoes instead of half a size down so that I can allow my feet to have maximum flexibility, permitting they're in a shoe.
You may think "that's it, that's the effects running has on women, and that's all I need to know". I hate to break the news, but you're wrong. Running determines more than your joints and legs. Look for my next post to see the continuation of the affects running has on the woman.
Wednesday, October 1, 2014
Achilles Tendonitis
Achilles Tendonitis- it's not something you want to mess around with. The truth is, you don't need to do anything to heal this injury. Your body can fix it naturally. However, an injury with a healing process like the one it has makes it difficult to be patient when we live it a fast paced world. So, being a moden human, you look for ways to speed up the recovery process, shortening it from what may be years to only weeks.
The Achilles tendon is the tissue that connects your calf muscles in your lower leg to your heel. The overusage of this tissue is what is known as Achilles Tendonitis. This injry can happen to anyone, not just athletes. This injury is most common in runners (considering all we do is run and run). Often runners that increase the intensity or mileage of the workout will experience Achilles Tendonitis.
How do you know if you have this injury? Unless you go to a doctor, I can't gaurantee any of these symptoms can officially confirm your Achilles tendon is in fact the problem. An ache in your calf or above the heel (called the watershed zone, because it is the part of the Achilles tendon that recieves the least amout of blood, hence the area most prone to injury) after running or engaging in any physical activity can suggest the injury, as well as slight stiffness.
It suprised me when I learned this, but the Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It's not something I would have ever guessed prior to this knowledge, but it makes sense considering the amount of weight, pressure, and movement we put on our own two feet daily. Every time that you move your ankle, your Achilles tendon moves too. This injury can affect even the smallest of tasks.
When injured with the tendonitis, your Achilles tendon has degenerative tears within itself, which is causing irritation and inflamation. Although painful, this is the way your tendon is telling you that it can't handle the load you're putting on it.
If not treated properly and effectively, Achilles Tendonitis can turn into an unwanted chronic injury, lasting for years. Make sure to allow yourself to recover fully without creating any more damage to your Achilles tendon.
The Achilles tendon is the tissue that connects your calf muscles in your lower leg to your heel. The overusage of this tissue is what is known as Achilles Tendonitis. This injry can happen to anyone, not just athletes. This injury is most common in runners (considering all we do is run and run). Often runners that increase the intensity or mileage of the workout will experience Achilles Tendonitis.
How do you know if you have this injury? Unless you go to a doctor, I can't gaurantee any of these symptoms can officially confirm your Achilles tendon is in fact the problem. An ache in your calf or above the heel (called the watershed zone, because it is the part of the Achilles tendon that recieves the least amout of blood, hence the area most prone to injury) after running or engaging in any physical activity can suggest the injury, as well as slight stiffness.
It suprised me when I learned this, but the Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It's not something I would have ever guessed prior to this knowledge, but it makes sense considering the amount of weight, pressure, and movement we put on our own two feet daily. Every time that you move your ankle, your Achilles tendon moves too. This injury can affect even the smallest of tasks.
When injured with the tendonitis, your Achilles tendon has degenerative tears within itself, which is causing irritation and inflamation. Although painful, this is the way your tendon is telling you that it can't handle the load you're putting on it.
If not treated properly and effectively, Achilles Tendonitis can turn into an unwanted chronic injury, lasting for years. Make sure to allow yourself to recover fully without creating any more damage to your Achilles tendon.
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